An Icon of Civil Rights Summary in English

An Icon of Civil Rights Summary in English

King was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15, 1929. He graduated from Morehouse College in 1948 and Crozer Theological Seminary in 1951. He then earned a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Boston University in 1955. After his ordination as a Baptist minister, King served as pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.

An Icon of Civil Rights Summary

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Martin Luther King (Junior) is one of the most influential and inspiring Afro-American leader. His Nobel Prize acceptance speech is noted for its excellent content and effective expression. He accepts the Nobel Prize on behalf of the Civil Rights Movement in America. He remembers the suffering of blacks in the USA. He praises the Indians for showing the path of non-violence. He believes in the power of truth and love. He is hopeful of bright future for humanity. He has faith in man’s ability to lay a super highway of justice on which all people will cooperatively go ahead and create a world where every body gets food, mind finds education and spirit receives dignity, equality and brotherhood. He says faith gives us courage and confidence to complete the mission of establishing universal brotherhood that has roots in love, truth and peace.


We honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by recommitting ourselves to the fight for justice and equality for all. We remember his words: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” We know that we will eventually achieve a more just and equitable world, but only if we continue to fight for it.

Freedom Summary in English

Freedom Summary in English

Freedom we will explore the concept of freedom in its many dimensions. We will examine its different definitions, its importance to human flourishing, and the challenges and obstacles that can impede it. We will also consider the role of individuals and societies in protecting and promoting freedom.

Freedom Summary

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The poem ‘Freedom’ by Rabindranath Tagore is both philosophical and psychological. He wants a special kind of freedom for the motherland. It is freedom from fear. It is freedom from old age and related weaknesses. It is freedom from lack of vision and slumber. It is freedom from mistrust. It is freedom from uncertain destiny, cruel power and lack of individuality. It is freedom from meaningless movements, senseless statistics and heartless artificiality.


Freedom is essential for human flourishing. It allows us to develop our full potential and contribute to the betterment of society. It is also essential for a just and equitable world. When people are free, they are more likely to live in peace and harmony with each other.

A Long Walk to Freedom Summary in English

A Long Walk to Freedom Summary in English

“A Long Walk to Freedom,” is a poignant and powerful account of his life, from his humble beginnings in South Africa to his rise as a global icon of resistance against apartheid. The book chronicles his journey from a young boy raised in the Transkei to his education at Fort Hare University, his involvement in the African National Congress (ANC), and his eventual imprisonment for 27 years for his fight against racial discrimination.

A Long Walk to Freedom Summary

Nelson Mandela’s image

Nelson Mandela’s narration ‘A Long Walk to Freedom’ is at once soul-stirring and thought-provoking. Every man has obligations to his family and his country. Fulfilling them depends on one’s ability and nature. But in South Africa coloured people were not allowed to fulfil any of those obligations. But Mandela tried and succeeded to fulfil his obligations to the country. But he failed in the case of his family. He was born free. But soon he discovered that his freedom was not true. He realised that no black in South Africa was free. They didn’t have self-respect too. His hunger for personal freedom became the hunger for everyone’s freedom. For that, he changed himself. He became animated. He became bold. He sacrificed his personal ambitions and life. He worked for the freedom of the oppressor too. He believed that freedom was indivisible. He attempted for freedom to everyone and he achieved it too.


In the concluding chapters of his autobiography, Nelson Mandela reflects on his journey as a freedom fighter and the lessons he learned from his experiences. He emphasizes the importance of resilience, the power of unity, and the need for forgiveness in the pursuit of justice.

The Ham Radio Summary in English

The Ham Radio Summary in English

Ham radio operators, also known as hams, are a passionate group of individuals who utilize amateur radio frequencies to establish communication links, often under challenging conditions. Their dedication to this unique form of communication stems from a desire to connect with others, experiment with technology, and contribute to the broader community.

The Ham Radio Summary

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Disasters and terrorism may strike thickly populated areas at anytime. Communication is most important in such situations. And conventional communications like cell phones fail exactly in those emergencies. It is in those times Ham radio comes handy. Ham radio uses high frequency and automatic batteries. And the Ham volunteers are skilful and ever ready to work. Failure of the system is very less likely. The only problem is the availability of information about Ham operators.

During 2001 Gujarath Earthquake, 2001 attacks on WTC in the USA, 2004 Tsunami in India, Ham radio served disaster management personnel wonderfully. Ham radio is useful in day to day problems like medical emergencies too. Anyone above 12 with no specific educational qualifications can appear for Ham radio licence test and on passing it can obtain the licence.


Ham radio stands as a beacon of analog authenticity. It is a reminder that human voices can still traverse vast distances, weaving a tapestry of connections across the globe. Hams are the unsung heroes of communication, their voices echoing across the airwaves, bridging the gaps between cultures and communities.

Grabbing Everything on the Land Summary in English

Grabbing Everything on the Land Summary in English

“Grabbing Everything on the Land,” she paints a vivid and haunting picture of the devastating impact of a tsunami. The poem opens with the ominous image of a giant hand rising from the ocean, a metaphor for the unstoppable force of the approaching wave.

Grabbing Everything on the Land Summary

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Lily Usher presents in detail the terrible destructive power of ocean tides in her poem “Grabbing Everything on the Land”. The wave came like a giant hand felling trees and crushing homes. It destroyed everything in sight and no one could escape from it. The hand was born in the ocean and got its strength from the rocks underneath. Everyone was surprised to see the waves coming towards them like fast running white horses, smashing everything on their way. Crashing, crushing, crunching, and cutting was everywhere. Death danced all around. The few who managed to escape understood what ’tsunami1 meant.


“Grabbing Everything on the Land,” the aftermath of the tsunami is laid bare. The once vibrant landscape is reduced to a desolate wasteland, littered with debris and the remnants of lives shattered.

A Havoc of Flood Summary in English

A Havoc of Flood Summary in English

Andhra Pradesh, India, a catastrophic flood wreaked havoc on the unsuspecting town. The relentless downpour, fueled by the monsoon season, transformed the once tranquil Thungabhadra and Handri Niva rivers into raging torrents, unleashing their fury upon the unsuspecting populace.

A Havoc of Flood Summary

A Havoc of Flood image

Water, water everywhere! 10 feet deep even in houses! For three or four days! Dead bodies of cattle and people, damaged houses, breached bunds, deafening cries for help, rescue, and relief teams that was the scene in Kurnool district on 28 September 2009. Continuous downpour during the night brought floods into the city and other villages. Never before in the known history was there such a heavy downpour. Floods from the Thungabhadra, the Handri Niva rivers added to the gravity. Lakhs of people lost their shelters. Loss of lives and property was at shocking levels. Government stepped in at once. The services of the Army, Navy and Disaster Management Agencies were sought. Helicopters, inflatable boats, fibre glass boats and other equipment were pressed into use. Voluntary organisations, institutions, individuals and philanthropists joined the relief operations. Camps for homeless were organised. Food, water, blankets, milk and medicines were distributed among victims. One Ms. Rajeswari 40 exhibited rare courage in rescuing herself and her four children. She expressed her gratitude to all those who helped her during their intense suffering.


Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. It happens when excessive water is collected in any area. It usually happens due to heavy rainfall. India is highly prone to flood. There are many regions in the country that face this natural disaster because of the overflowing of rivers.

Can’t Climb Trees Any More Summary in English

Can’t Climb Trees Any More Summary in English

Can’t Climb Trees Anymore,” the protagonist, an adult man, revisits his childhood home, now owned by a colonel. As he wanders through the familiar surroundings, a flood of memories washes over him, transporting him back to the carefree days of his youth.

Can’t Climb Trees Any More Summary

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Ruskin Bond is a famous writer for children. He is fond of writing about the bond between nature and man. “Can’t Climb Trees Any More” is an example. A middle aged man looks at a house, the trees and flower plants in the yard from outside. A young girl of about 12 comes there and asks him what he is looking at. He replies that he is looking at the house. She very innocently asks him if he wants to buy that. He says they lived there twenty five years ago and he just felt like seeing their old house.

The little girl invites him in. To prove that he is still young, he climbs the wall but gasps. With the help of the girl, he climbs down. They sit on a stone bench. The man recollects his childhood days. He recollects his grandmother’s words that trees would bless those living in their shade. He says that he used to store his treasures in a hole in the jackfruit branch.

An Iron Cross is among his treasures. He says it must be still in the hole. The girl asks if he will check. He says he can’t climb trees any more. The girl climbs the tree, finds the cross and gives it to the man. But the man gives it back to the girl saying that he has come there not for his cross but for his youth. So saying he walks briskly remembering the young girl’s lively features!


In the story’s conclusion, the protagonist reflects on his journey back to his childhood home. He realizes that while he cannot reclaim the physical act of climbing trees, he can still recapture the spirit of his youth by embracing the memories and emotions it evokes.

The River (Poem) Summary in English

The River (Poem) Summary in English

This river, a silent yet powerful presence, has borne witness to the passage of time, its waters reflecting the changing seasons and the lives of those who dwell along its banks. It has been a source of sustenance, a means of transportation, a place of recreation, and a source of inspiration for generations.

The River (Poem) Summary

River images

In this poem the journey of a river is compared to the life journey of a man. As there are many stages in the life span of a man, there are many stages in the journey of the river. In the beginning the river shines and overflows on the small pebbles just like a child dances and plays actively. It flows past the flowers and leaves.

In the second stage the river flows fast through rough and smooth places. It makes louder sounds. It jumps and struggles in its journey. It appears to be in its full youth just like a man in youth.

In the third stage the river seems to be broad and deep. It appears to be still in youth. It seems to be peaceful. It flows towards the ocean. It seems to be experiencing an important part of its life journey just like a grown-up man in peace with broad and wide thinking.

In the last stage the river appears to be with the head first and the rest of the body following it. It runs and rushes into the sea. It sails into the sea. It makes no sounds. It silently disappears as an old man passes away. It seems to have its life in continuation.


The river is also a source of inspiration for artists, poets, and musicians. Its beauty has been captured in countless paintings, poems, and songs. Its rhythmic flow has inspired dancers and choreographers. Its power has captivated storytellers and filmmakers.

What is Man without the Beasts? Summary in English

What is Man without the Beasts Summary in English

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.” is a powerful statement about the interconnectedness of all living things.

What is Man without the Beasts? Summary What is Man without the Beasts images

In 1854 Chief Seattle, elderly chief of the Suquamish Indians, gave a speech on the occasion of the arrival of the first American territorial Governor, Isaac Stevens. The Great White Chief of Washington, the Governor asked Seattle and his people to sell their lands to the government and go to the places reserved for them by the government.

Seattle knows what will happen to his people if he and his people refuse to sell their lands to the Washington Government. But he expresses his unwillingness to sell their lands to the Washington government by giving this speech which is remarkable and thought-provoking.

He expresses his unwillingness by saying that all things on their lands are very sacred to his people. They carry the memory and experience of his people. The flowers, birds, animals, trees and rivers are a part of their family. He feels that the water streams in the rivers are full of the blood of their ancestors.

Seattle asks the white people to remember the preciousness of the air on their lands. He says that every living creature has the same breath on their lands. The wind on his lands is sweetened by the meadow’s flowers.
Seattle points out that the white men do not understand the value of the beasts. They kill the beasts. He says if all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected. So he asks the white men not to kill the beasts on their lands.

Seattle asks the white men to teach their children to respect their lands as the ashes of their grandfathers. He asks them to teach their children to respect Earth as the mother. He says that if men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves.

He wishes that the white and the red people should live in peace. He believes that God’s compassion is equal for the red man and the white man. The Earth is precious to God also. God does not’like people who harm the Earth created by Him.


“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.” is a powerful reminder that we are all part of the natural world, and that we must respect and cherish the animals that share our planet.

Homework Summary in English

Homework Summary in English

Homework stands as a ubiquitous practice, a bridge between the formal learning environment of the classroom and the informal learning environment of home. It encompasses a range of tasks assigned by teachers to students, intended to reinforce concepts taught in class, provide opportunities for independent practice, and cultivate self-discipline and responsibility.

Homework Summary

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Homework is usually given to students to reinforce the things they learn at school. It usually helps the students learn the material better. But too much homework is not useful. It has some negative effects on students. This essay stresses the importance of limiting the amount of homework . to be given to children. On the other hand it discusses the adverse affects of excessive homework.

The amount of homework given to children has been increased in repent times. The present day competition also encourages school to try to increase the volume of the curriculum. Some teachers say that large amounts’of homework prepares students for the competitive world. The amount of homework given to students is higher in colleges than that of schools. A lot of homework usually means a lot of books.

Carrying large amounts of weight daily at a young age can do a lot of damage and it leads to chronic shoulder, neck and back pain. Excessive amount of homework makes some students sleepless. Some parents and teachers argue that it limits students after school activities. Children spending their whole time in doing homework become overweight and they fall to obesity.

Homework takes away the time of children spending with their families. It is worse in families where both the parents are employees. Excessive homework and assignments cause students lose their interest in subjects. In such times they try to copy and cheat. Those bad habits will haunt the kids throughout their life. They like to take easy ways.

The use of homework is effective when it is given in the limited and reasonable amounts. Homework should not be abolished but it should be limited. It should be creative and interesting so that the students enjoy it.


Homework can serve as a valuable tool for enhancing academic achievement, fostering self-directed learning, and cultivating a sense of responsibility. However, it is essential to strike a balance between academic rigor and students’ overall well-being, ensuring that homework does not become a source of stress or detract from other essential aspects of their lives.