Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness Poem Summary

Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness Poem Summary

“Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness” poem emphasizes the qualities of kindness and generosity which lead us to happiness in life the poet sums up the central idea of his poem in the following lines; “As one lamp light another, nor grow less, so nobleness Enkindleth nobleness”. Everything believes to God and certainly not to individuals is the idea. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness Poem Summary

Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness Poem Summary in English

Yussouf and Ibrahim correspond to the characters from the Christian Bible as Joseph and Abraham. Both are important characters in the Bible as well as Quran.

Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness Poem Summary images

One Night, an outcast came to the Yussouf s tent seeking shelter and food. This outcast was a stranger and he begged Yussouf to practice him from the chasing enemies.

Yussouf was all merciful. He promised his help. He gave the stranger whatever he wanted. He told the stranger that he was free to take anything from his store.

Yussouf entertained the stranger. He woke up the stranger early in the morning and gave him money and his swiftest horse so that he (the stranger) might flee from his pursuers. While harshness would only have hardened, this unlooked – for kindness completely overwhelmed him and changed his nature. A something of the grandeur of soul of his host (stronger) entered the breast of the guest (stranger) and sobbing on the sheik’s hands, the stranger burst forth; “All this thou hast done to that Ibrahim that slew thy son.”

Yussouf was not angry with the stranger, instead he gave him thrice the amount of gold and told him to escape the black though of revenge that had burnt in his heart day and night is gone. His son is avenged in the coals fire that had been thus poured on the head of the guilty man.

The poem emphasizes the qualities of kindness and generosity which lead us to happiness in life the poet sums up the central idea of his poem in the following lines;

“As one lamp light another, nor grow less, so nobleness Enkindleth nobleness”. Everything believes to God and certainly not to individuals is the idea.


James Russell Lowell’s poem “Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness” concludes with the poet emphasizing the power of nobleness to change people’s hearts. He suggests that when we are kind, generous, and brave, we inspire others to do the same, creating a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

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Justice Poem Summary

Justice Poem Summary

“Justice” is a powerful and thought-provoking poem by Langston Hughes that delves into the theme of justice within the context of social inequality and racial discrimination. Through vivid and evocative language, Hughes invites readers to contemplate the elusive nature of justice and the ongoing struggle for equity and fairness in society. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

Justice Poem Summary

Justice Poem Summary in English

Justice Poem Summary image

In the opinion of the poet in the present poem is that in the present days, justice has become a commodity of sale for some people. Though there are immoral attacks on justice, it has survived the test of time only because of inherent strength.

Justice, which is exchanged for earning is no justice. Exchanging for earning is a trade. Today justice has become a commodity of sale for some people. Though there are immoral attacks on justice, it has survived the test of time only because of its inherent Strength. Still the justice struggles for its survival. She is cool like ice. She is still like a rock. There is no way to attract her soul, but hardship makes her no more Justice. In justice makes her not true justice.

Now a days she is influenced by so-called great and popular people Justice is shackled or chanced to bribe and greed she is pulled out by the popular people, or so-called great people. They are to exploit her. They have kept her in the thick jungle of hightless night (in dark house). She is caught by, these people like a rat in the bag of death and like deer caught in lion’s resting place. In such a situation, she never reaches her self by herself. At present justice is forever from truth. The truth, that is God is pulled out from heart. She has lost her struggle for the righ course. Indeed Justice is dead.


Justice Poem serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for fairness and the importance of addressing societal inequities, leaving readers with a sense of urgency to contribute to a more just and compassionate society, one where justice prevails.

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The Wonderful Words Poem Summary

The Wonderful Words Poem Summary

“The Wonderful Words” poem explores how words can bridge the divide between the finite and the infinite, bringing solace and inspiration. It speaks to the enduring ability of language to evoke deep emotions, foster connections, and ignite the imagination, setting the stage for a contemplative journey into the mesmerizing realm of words and their profound impact on human experience. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

The Wonderful Words Poem Summary

The Wonderful Words Poem Summary in English

There are so many languages in the world. It is essential that all of us should speak at least one language. The words we speak bring out our thoughts. The words bring good shape to our thoughts. The words help you communicate with others at different situations. Here in the poem “The Wonderful words”, the poetess Mary O’neill describes the importance of the words.

She says that we should never waste away our thought for want of away to say it. She says, “English is wonderful game”. It plays an important role in communication as well as bring out our thoughts. Everyone can speak English and the words of it match to the brightest thoughts that are in our head. Wit the help the words our thoughts come clear and true. The words not only bring thoughts clear and true, but also they clean up, and brighten them. The words feed for many of loveliest things. Many beautiful and lovely things are described with words. Words only can give life to our thoughts.

Words are food and dress of our thoughts, because of their feeding and dressing they become alive and lively. They make the thoughts charming as well as, give life to spread all over. The words can make everyone desire to hear them. Only words can free thought, that is behind our right and make it wonderful new surprise grasping our mind.


In Conclusion “The Wonderful Words” poetic imagery, Blunt captures the transformative power of words to convey emotions, forge connections, and kindle the human spirit. The poem serves as a timeless reminder of the enchanting and influential nature of language, highlighting the profound impact it has on our lives and experiences, leaving readers with a lasting appreciation for the magic woven into the very fabric of words and their ability to transcend time and space.

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A Girl Called Golden Poem Summary

“A Girl Called Golden” is a poignant and evocative poem that delves into the life and experiences of a young girl named Golden. Written by Mary O’Neill, this poem invites readers into the world of this remarkable girl and her unique attributes, symbolizing the beauty and potential within all individuals. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

A Girl Called Golden Poem Summary

A Girl Called Golden Poem Summary in English

A Girl Called Golden Poem image

The poet writes about a golden runner by name Betty Cuthbert. She was an Australian runner or athlete. She was a great sprinter and had won three gold medals at the 1956 Olympic games in Melbourne. She also got another gold medal at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo.

The poet says that it is all due to her hard work and perseverance. She has the goal and the desire to achieve it.

Then the poet writes about as under. She ran when her classmates were walking. She ran fast when others were only running. Others were playing but she was training others. The poet wanted to know the secret of her success.

She had the fresh air, she listened to the words of her coach and others she made continuous efforts. She did not mind the physical problems. She did not pay any attention to bodily pain and aches because she had the only aim of reaching her goal. She possessed strong will power. She was encouraged by all. Due to her hard work, dedication, perseverance, listening capacity, patience and following ideals, she could succeed in her life. She got gold medals and left us a lesson that hard work always gives fruits. It never goes in vain.


A Girl Called Golden poem serves as a heartfelt reminder of the importance of self-acceptance and the celebration of one’s individuality, leaving a lasting message of hope, self-worth, and the richness found in the diversity of human experiences.

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Gratefulness Poem Summary

“Gratefulness” is a thought-provoking poem by George Herbert, a 17th-century metaphysical poet. This poem reflects on the concept of gratitude, urging readers to embrace a thankful attitude towards life and its blessings. With profound spiritual undertones, the poem invites contemplation on the importance of recognizing and appreciating the many gifts and moments of grace that life bestows upon us. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

Gratefulness Poem Summary

Gratefulness Poem Summary in English

Every human being is blessed with organs like eyes, ears, lip, hands, legs. Human beings have also a heart to love, a mind that gives them the ability to help others.

The poet is grateful to all these organs, because they are helpful to lead his life. First of all he is grateful to eyes that can see or witness the activities done by him. He expresses his gratefulness to ears that are helpful for him to hear sobbing of those who are in need of his help.

He expresses gratefulness for the lips that are helpful to speak words of consolation to those who seek relief in trouble. The poet is thankful for a mind that is helpful for him to know those who are in need of his help. Further he express his gratefulness for the hands that involve a lot of effort or energy to do simple task for the people. He is grateful for his ability, which he always pray to give him the strength and guidelines everyday of all these the poet is grateful for one thing that given a hear to that he may love everyone in his life.


In Conclusion, Gratefulness Poem rich, metaphorical language, Herbert underscores the importance of recognizing life’s blessings and embracing a thankful attitude. The poem serves as a reminder of the enduring relevance of gratitude in our lives, encouraging us to cherish the moments of grace and the myriad gifts that enrich our existence.

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Upagupta Poem Summary

Upagupta Poem Summary

Upagupta” is a beautiful and spiritually charged poem written by the renowned Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. This poetic work delves into themes of spirituality, devotion, and the human connection with the divine. It portrays a conversation between a monk, Upagupta, and the courtesan, Vasavadatta, as they discuss profound matters of the soul. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

Upagupta Poem Summary

Upagupta Poem Summary in English

Upagupta Poem Summary image

This poem is about the story of Buddhist monk Upagupta, a disciple of Lord Buddha and the dancing girl of Mathura Vasavadatta. She was a famous and beautiful dancer. She was proud of her beauty, youth, and her wealth. Upagupta was an ascetic, and. the epitome of kindness, wisdom and selflessness.

One dark night Upagupta, the disciple of Buddha that slept on the dusty road by the city wall of Mathura city. Everywhere it was calm and quiet, Lamps were all out of light. The doors were all shut. Everyone had slept. It was quite dark everywhere. Above all stars were hidden by dark cloud in the sky.

Vasavadatta, a dancing girl was walking with a lamp in her hand. Without noticing down on the ground, she stumbled over the body of Upagupta who was sleeping on the dusty ground. Suddenly he woke up and was extremely surprised. The light from a woman’s lamp fell on his merciful eyes and he saw a beautiful woman standing before him.

The woman was shining with her jewels, she had put on a blue loose piece of clothing without sleeves. She was young and beautiful. She was proud of her youth and beauty. As she lowered her lamp, she saw a young man whose face was reflecting the charming of a simple and strict way of living.

The young woman begged a pardon for stumbling over his body without noticing him in the darkness. She requested him kindly to come to her home saying the dirty ground was not fit for him. Upagupta told her gently to go on her way back to her home and told her that he would meet her when the time was ripe. Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning. A terrible storm arose from the corner of the sky and mode a long deep sound. The woman trembled in fear of some unknown danger and hurried towards her home.

A year has not yet passed since Vasavadatta, a dancing woman met Upagupta, a monk. It was the evening of a day in April in spring season. The branches of the trees on the wayside were heavy with flowers. The light-hearted musical tone of a flute came floating in the warm spring air from far away distance.

Upagupta passed through the city gates and stood on the base of city walls built for protection. Suddenly he saw a woman lying at his feet in the shadow of the grove (a group of trees).

She was none other than Vasavadatta, a dancing woman. She was struck with the black deadly epemedic disease. Her body was spotted with sores of small-fox. She was removed (driven out) from the city because the poisonous disease might spread by her contact.

Upagupta sat by her side and took her head on his knees. He applied her body with sandal balm. He made her lips wet with water. The woman asked him who the merciful man was. He replied to her that at the last the time had come to visit her and he was there.


In conclusion, Rabindranath Tagore’s “Upagupta” is a profoundly contemplative poem that delves into the spiritual awakening and the connection between the human soul and the divine. It transcends the boundaries of earthly desires and materialism as it explores the dialogue between Upagupta and Vasavadatta, highlighting the transformative power of spiritual enlightenment and the human quest for a higher, transcendent truth.

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To My Country Men Summary

To My Country Men Summary

“To My Countrymen” is a stirring and patriotic essay written by the famous Indian leader, Jawaharlal Nehru. In this impassioned address, Nehru speaks directly to his fellow countrymen, urging them to take pride in their nation and to unite for the cause of India’s progress and freedom. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

To My Country Men Summary

To My Country Men Summary in English

To My Country Men images

“To My Countrymen’’ is an extract from Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s book called “Ignited Minds” and in this book, he has spoken about the power of imagination. It lies at the heart of the creative process and it is the very essence of life. This power makes all the difference between the winners and the losers. Dr Kalam would like to see a literate and poverty-free India in the span of 20 years.

He dreams of an India governed by noble leaders in which the work of scientists and technologists is focused. According to Dr Kalam creative process or power or the power of imagination is important in life to become a winner.

Missions are always bigger than organizations and these organizations are always bigger than the individuals who run them. Missions require effort and the mind provides the. purpose. To prove this, he gives examples. Isolated efforts do not achieve anything but by working together we can do wonders.

The second green revolution cannot happen without agricultural scientists, biotechnologists and irrigation experts. By working together we can provide facilities at reasonable prices.

According to him power is the basis towards excellence. Pre-independence India reverberated with it. It helped us to lower the importance of mighty empire. The mighty empire refers to the British Empire who ruled us earlier. During the rule of British Tata brought the Steel Industry to India. Acharya P.C Ray developed the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Many great institutions came to light.

Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya established Banaras Hindu University and Sir Syed Ahamed Khan set up Aligarh Muslim University. Their motivation was to see India come up in the world. But today we are not in a position to continue that work and revive the spirit. Our country cannot build power stations for the USA, Japan and China. The possibility is remote. If we have low aim the spirit of enterprise will diminish and can’t achieve anything.

In the software sector, we have good progress. But almost all of the hardware is imported. We can’t rise on the value scale. India cannot design an operating System that will’become a household name in the world of computers.

The raw materials such as iron ore and alumina are exported to a larger extent. But we don’t find an international market. Our country has hundreds of defense production Industries but India is not manufacturing battle tank, missiles, air crafts and other equipment.

The reason for all this is we are not in a position to give a new dimension to our style of functioning.

The individual interests of various ministries and even industries including institutions do not follow the integrated action plan. Love for the countiy should be our motto and vision. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharastra, Andra Pradesh are the states faring better than others in the country. The IT sector requires man power. Those living away from the cities must also have access to a good education.

Dr Kalam visited north eastern states Tripura, Assam and to Jharkhand. He came to know the untapped potential. Tripura is rich in mineral wealth and also in natural gas. But the transport facilities are not good because of isolation. Even in Jharkhand it is a same.

There is no shortage of resources in Assam but there is unrest among people. To integrate people, we need a focused mission and to channel development funds for improvement. Tripura is rich in mineral wealth and in natural gas. We see insurgency and unrest in Assam. Our organizations are full of discussion and debate. There is only noise.

There is little progress. We don’t see the technology conferences so Dr Kalam asks the organizations to take full responsibility and to stop blaming others. Then only we can enjoy the benefits. He asks of the students to get ready to transform India into a developed nation. He says proudly, “Ignite your minds and think big”. He remembers the saying of a teacher who said, “Give me a five-year-old child. After seven years, no god or devil will be able to change the child”.


In conclusion, “To My Countrymen” by Jawaharlal Nehru is a powerful and inspirational address that encapsulates the fervent spirit of the Indian independence movement. Nehru’s passionate call to his fellow countrymen underscores the importance of unity and the indomitable spirit of India as it marches towards freedom and progress. His words serve as a timeless reminder of the need for collective action and a shared commitment to the betterment of the nation.

The Will of Sacrifice Summary

The Will of Sacrifice Summary

“The Will of Sacrifice Summary” for Singh concludes the letter by stating that he is willing to sacrifice his life for the freedom of India and that he is confident that his martyrdom will inspire others to continue the fight. The Will of Sacrifice is a powerful and moving document that provides a glimpse into the mind of a revolutionary who was willing to die for his beliefs. It is a testament to Singh’s courage, conviction, and commitment to the cause of Indian independence. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

The Will of Sacrifice Summary

The Will of Sacrifice Summary in English

bhagath singh

The great revolutionary freedom fighter Bhagat Singh was born on 27th Sept. 1907 in Khatkar Kalan, Punjab. His family was known for patriotism Arjun Singh was the grandfather of Bhagat Singh. Kishan Singh was his father and Ajit Singh was his uncle.

Bhagat Singh came into contact with the great and renowned freedom fighters like Lala Lajpat Rai and Ras Bihari Bose. He was much attracted when he responded to the call “non-cooperation” given by Mahatma Gandhiji later he joined National school at Lahore which became a center of revolutionary activities. Here he met great revolutionaries such as Bhagwati Charan, Sukhdev, and others. All these great leaders instilled in Bhagat Singh the spark of freedom.

The British considered these revolutionaries as terrorists. When the revolutionaries came to know this, they decided to drive away from the British using weapons, bombs and guns.

‘Bhagat Singh is green in the hearts of everybody not only as of the greatest revolutionary but also as a man who caved for society Bhagat Singh was a great thinker. He believed in collective ownership. According to Bhagat Singh, revolution does not mean violence out also “the spirit of freedom”.

During anti-British procession under the leadership of Lala Lajpat Rai, the police went for the brutal attack and killed Lala Lajpat Rai. This incident brought a total change in the life of Bhagat Singh. He decided to avenge the death of Lala Lajpat Rai and shot down. The British officer by name Scott and threw bombs in the Central Assembly Hall while the session was going on. The bomb didn’t hurt anybody but the explosive sound awakened the Indians who were in deep slumber to rise and fight for freedom.

Later the British Official tried Bhagat Singh in the court and sentenced him, Bhagat,
Singh was not at all afraid of death instead, he kept the spark of freedom alive through his strong and inspiring letters.

His letter to Batukeshwar Dutt
Central Jail Lahore 21st March 1922
Dear brother,
I am not worried about death and I am ready to accept death smiling I don’t want to escape from the noose as some prisoner expect this. I am fortunate to climb the gallows joyfully and to show the world that I sacrifice myself for the cause of Nation.

I wanted like to tell you that, the spirit of freedom must continue and I ask of you all to endure all the problems which come in the way.
Jai Hind.

Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh’s Letter to the convicts
Dear comrades,
Everyone wants to live. It is natural but I don’t have this desire. 1 don’t want to be a captive under restrictions. My name is already a symbol of the Indian revolution.

If I escape, it is my weakness, and the revolution will get deformed. I am ready to sacrifice my life for the sake of the country. This thought will inspire the Indian Mothers and they will aspire that the children should become like me so that we can put an end to imperialism.

I regrate because I could not do anything for humanity but I have several my country and kept the spirit of freedom alive. I am ready to embrace death.
Your comrade
Bhagat Singh


Singh’s Will of Sacrifice is a powerful and moving testament to his courage, conviction, and commitment to the cause of Indian independence. It is a document that continues to inspire and motivate people around the world in their fight for justice and equality.

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The Noble Bishop Summary

The Noble Bishop Summary

“The Noble Bishop” is a short story that portrays the transformation of a corrupt and self-indulgent bishop who undergoes a profound change when he encounters a poor, suffering woman. Initially consumed by greed and indifference, the bishop’s compassion and moral values are rekindled when he realizes the extent of the woman’s suffering. He sells his luxurious possessions to provide for her and, in doing so, undergoes a moral redemption. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

The Noble Bishop Summary

The Noble Bishop Summary in English

The Nobel Bishop image

Jean Valjean lived with his sister along with her seven children. His was a poor family. One day his sister fell ill and the family starved. Jean Valjean searched for work every nook and corner but he could not get work. He couldn’t see the children starving. There was no help from anybody so he decided to steal. He stole some bread but he was sentenced to nineteen years in the galleys. His life was absolute hell then. They chained him like a wild animal. They treated him as beast they starved him and got work from him. He was not treated as a man. He tried to escape many times but in vain. He was caught each time and the court increased his sentence. He led the life of a prisoner for Nineteen years and he came out hardened.

He decided to work and make up his living but he didn’t get work. All sent him out without helping him. He wandered for three days without food. They treated him as a convict. Walking aimlessly and without food, he came to the house of a Bishop. Bishop’s sister Baptistine was ready to serve the dinner.

Jean Valjean (The convict) introduced himself to the Bishop and asked for food. The Bishop was very kind. He told his sister to put another place for Jean Valjean and also to put some sheets on the bet in the alcove. The Bishop addressed him as friend and told him to feel at home. There was a little lamp, which gave poor light. So the Bishop told his sister to bring silver candlesticks and light them. She brought them and served the dinner which consisted of soup, cheese, mutton and a large loaf of bread. The convict eats quickly. After that he told the Bishop his story.

The Bishop heard his story and told him to lie down and sleep on the couch. Accordingly Jean Valjean fell asleep but he woke up at the middle of the night because of his bed because the had not slept on a bed.

Then the clock struck two Jean Valjean started thinking about the silver ware. He wanted to steal them. So he’came to the adjacent room and observed that the rays of moonlight shone on the Bishop’s face. Then he were straight to the cup board, took the silver ware and escaped.

Baptiste brought the theft to the notice of her brother (The Bishop). The Bishop didn’t lose his temper. He only told that the silverware belonged to the poor. During this time, four policemen entered the house of the Bishop and they had brought Jean Valjean with them on seeing him, the Bishop told the policemen that he had given the sliver ware to the man. The police left him and went.

Jean Valjean looked at the Bishop with wonder and he didn’t find any words to describe the nobility of the Bishop. The Bishop told him to take all the candlesticks with him and his doors are always open for him. Jean Valjean thanked him and went. He led the life of an honest man and lived happily helping the poor people like himself.


In conclusion, “The Noble Bishop” serves as a powerful parable that highlights the potential for personal redemption and transformation through acts of compassion and selflessness. The bishop’s journey from greed and indifference to selflessness and moral righteousness underscores the idea that even those who have strayed from their virtuous paths can find their way back to nobility.

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Justice Above Self Summary

Justice Above Self Summary

“Justice Above Self” is a concise phrase that encapsulates the principle of prioritizing fairness, equality, and the well-being of society over personal interests and biases. It signifies the commitment to upholding just and equitable principles, ensuring that individuals, institutions, and systems prioritize the common good and act in a manner that serves justice rather than self-interest, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and harmonious society. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.

Justice Above Self Summary

Justice Above Self Summary in English

Justice Above Self Summary image

The lesson ‘Justice Above Self” is written by Munshi Premchand. This is the story of two close friends, namely Algu and Jumman. They were good friends. Their friendship was so strong that when either of them went away from the village, the other looked after his family. Both were greatly respected in their village. Jumman had an old aunt, she had some property in her name. She transferred her property to Jumman so that she would stay with them and he would look after him. A couple of years went well. But thereafter the situation changed.

Jumman and his wife were tired of the old woman. He and his wife were indifferent to her. The old woman was not served even a little food to survive. Besides the old woman suffered from starvation, she had to tolerate insults. A fee months after the old woman decided not to live in Jumman’s house. One day she told him her intention that she was going out of his house to live separately and asked him to give her monthly allowance so that she could set up a separate kitchen. Jumman Shaikh argued on behalf of his wife, as she knew best to run the house. This made the old woman angry.

The old woman took the case to the village Panchayat and spoke to Algu Chowdhary. Algu Chowdhary did not know what to do, because Jumman Shaikh was his best friend. He could not go against his friend. The old lady asked Algu to come to the Panchayat and give her fair justice. In the Panchayat meeting all members gathered. After consulting others Algu pronounced that they were of the opinion that Jumman must pay his aunt (the old lady) a monthly allowance, or else the property went back to her. The verdict of Algu made his friend angry and somewhat insult. After this the bond of friendship between Algu and Jumman was broken. Jumman saw Algu as an enemy and wanted to take revenge.

Days passed. Due to his ill luck, Algu was in trouble. He had to face it. Therefore he sold one of this bullock to Sanju Sahu, a cart driver of the village. The understanding was that Sahu would pay the price of the bullock in a month’s time. It so happened that the Bullock sold by Algu, died written a month several months since the death of bullock, Algu reminded Sahu of the money he had not yet paid.

But Sahu firmly told him that he could not pay him a penny for the wretched beast he had sold him, he brought us nothing but ruin. He did not argue with him. He decided to the case to the Panchayat.

The Panchayat was held under the old banyan tree. Algu told before the Panchayat that the voice of the Panch was the voice of God and he said that he would abide by the decision of the panch, whoever he might be.

The authority of nomination of the Panch was given to Sahu. Thinking it a good Sahu proposed the name of Jumman. Algu’s heart sank and turned pale. Jumman became the head panch. He realized his responsibility as a judge and the dignity of his office. It was a good chance for Jumman to take revenge Algu. But Sahu decided not to allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.

On the day of the Panchayat meeting, both Algu and Sahu presented their cases. After hearing their cases Jummana announced that it was their opinion that Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock because when Sahu bought the bullock it had not suffered from any disability or disease. The death of the bullock was unfortunate but Algu could not be blamed for it. On hearing the decision, Algu could not believe his ears because he had thought Jumman would take revenge. But it was not so happened. He shouted loudly as victory to the Panchayat and said that was the justice and God was there in the voice of the Pancha. Soon after this both friends embraced to each other and became close friends as they were before.


In conclusion, “Justice Above Self” serves as a powerful reminder of the essential moral compass that should guide our actions and decisions. It encourages individuals and societies to transcend personal desires, biases, and self-interest in pursuit of a fair and just world.

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