Coromandel Fishers Poem Summary

Coromandel Fishers Poem Summary

“Coromandel Fishers” is a captivating poem by Sarojini Naidu that paints a vivid picture of the fearless fishermen of Coromandel, India. Coromandel Fishers poem describes their arduous and perilous journey as they venture into the unpredictable sea, emphasizing the profound connection between nature and these brave individuals. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

Coromandel Fishers Poem Summary

Coromandel Fishers Poem Summary in English

Coromandel Fishers images
In this poem, the poetess describes the life of the fisherman. The leader of the fishermen is giving a call to his comrades to start their work early in the morning.

Coromandel fishers refer to the fishermen on the Coromandel Coast of South India. Rise brothers rise means the fishermen called their – men to get ready to go to the sea. The early morning sky is compared to someone who is waking up from sleep. The leader awakens the other fishermen that the sun had already risen. The wind is not blowing, means it sleeps in the arms of the dawn like a child. So it is the correct time to start their Journey. They should gather their nets and set the boats free. They are sons of the sea, so they have the right to capture the leaping wealth when means fishes.

The fishermen called themselves as the king of the sea. The narrator hurried his colleagues because they should follow the Sea gull’s call. The Seagull is an animal that knows where the fishes are. The sea, the cloud, and the waves all are close to fishermen like a mother, brother, and friends. The sea god is the controller of the sea. He will protect them.

The fishermen also love the land. The shade of the coconut grove, the sweet smell of the mango grove, and sounds in nature. But the waves and the foam of the sea is more appealing to them. The sun is setting and it is the time to go back to land. So brothers, row the boat to the edge of the sea.


In conclusion, “Coromandel Fishers” by Sarojini Naidu is a beautifully crafted poem that celebrates the indomitable spirit of the fishermen of Coromandel. Through poetic language and vivid imagery, Naidu honors their bravery and their deep relationship with the sea.

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For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Summary

For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Summary

“For a Five-Year-Old” by Fleur Adcock is a touching and contemplative poem that delves into the complex emotions of a parent toward their young child. The poem explores the bittersweet experience of witnessing a child grow and gain independence, while simultaneously longing for their innocence and vulnerability. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Summary

For a Five Year Old Boy Poem Summary in English

For a Five Year Old Boy images

The Poem ‘For a five-Year-old is written by Fleur Adcock. In the poem, the poet ironically points out the contradictions in our day to day dealings of life. She points out the differences between what we preach and low we act. She ironically points out that by nature human beings do not practice what they preach.

The poet illustrates this human behaviour by narrating a fictitious episode in which she imagines her five-year-old child calling out to her after it sees a snail climbing up the window silly after a rainy night. The mother (Poet) goes to the child’s room and explains that it would be unkind to leave it there because it might climb down to the floor. So it is better to take care of it, before someone unknowingly squashes it. She asks the child to pick it up carefully and carry it outside to the garden and leave it there to feed on daffodil flowers.

In the next stanza the poet wonders why such a kind of faith still prevails where people still believe that character is built by mere words of advice, than by actions of others. She feels sad, because the child believed in her words and acted gently with the snail. She feels sad but amazed because the child believed the words of her mother (Poet) who was actually not gentle in her actions. The mother (Poet) had taken her words seriously even though it knew that the mother had drowned the child’s kittens and betrayed even her close relatives. The Poet had also conveyed such harsh truths to others. The harsh truth is that, it is human nature to preach one thing and practice another and that is how things go on in this world.

She strongly believes that being a mother of a child, she is right in advising her child to be good and gentle. And so both the mother and child are kind to little creatures like snails.


“For a Five Year Old Boy” poem’s exploration of a child’s growth, independence, and the parent’s desire to protect their innocence evokes a sense of nostalgia and love. Adcock’s skillful use of language and imagery provides a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of childhood, making this poem a timeless reflection on the joys and challenges of raising a child.

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Somebody’s Mother Poem Summary

Somebody’s Mother Poem Summary

“Somebody’s Mother” is a poignant poem by Mary Dow Brine that explores the theme of empathy and compassion. It invites readers to reflect on the common humanity we share and the significance of showing kindness to strangers. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

Somebody’s Mother Poem Summary

Somebody’s Mother Poem Summary in English


Here the poetess tells us that we should help those who are in need. Kindness is a virtue. It multiplies and comes to us in one or the other way. It was a winter evening. An old woman was waiting to cross a busy road near a school. She was very old and her hair was gray and she was very poor. Her dress was tom. She was a lone woman. She was waiting for a long time. Nobody looked at her nor even glanced at her. Suddenly children come out of school as it closed for the day. They passed the lonely old woman but non paid any attention to the old lady.

The poor old woman stood by the road as she fared that she would be trampled under the horse’s feet ‘or the carriage wheels. A group of happy boys comes there, it so happened that one of the boys, very cheerful and lively, saw this old woman waiting to cross the road. He ran to her and helped her to cross the road. She put her aged hand on his strong young arm. The boy guided the trembling feet and supported her by his firm and strong arms.

Later he explained to his friends that one day his own mother could be in a similar situation and that someone else would, help her. At home that night, the old lady prayed for the boy who had helped her to cross the road. Her heart was overflowing with gratitude and pride. She prayed ‘God, be kind to him, somebody’s son!”


In Conclusion, the old lady prayed for the boy who had helped her to cross the road. Her heart was overflowing with gratitude and pride. She prayed “God, be kind to him, somebody’s son!”

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No Men are Foreign Poem Summary

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary

“No Men Are Foreign” is a thought-provoking poem by James Kirkup that emphasizes the shared humanity among all people, regardless of their nationality or background. In this poem, the poet encourages us to see past national boundaries and acknowledge the universal bonds that connect us as a global community. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary

No Men are Foreign Poem Summary in EnglishNo man are foreign images

The authors intended to write this poem is universal brotherhood. According to him all men in the universe are the same and equal. So he is asking us to behave that nobody is stranger and no country is foreign because ail are alike. Though we all look different, we are all having same body. Similarly, the earth where we live and die is same. The Sun, air, and water are all same. We should live with peace it brings prosperity. War brings adversity, it means great suffering for long time. All hands are same and the lines in tire hands are also same. The labor is also not different.

We should remember that all are having same eyes with which we can sleep or awake. We can won all by love. All things should be possible by love. In every way life is common. That all can recognize and understand.

We should remember that whenever we are star hate our brothers, it is our fault. We have no right to condemn others. At the same time we have no right to look down upon anybody or discriminate, against anybody on any grounds. The poet makes a strong plea against the evils of war. By taking up arms, men violate the sanctity of the earth, polluting it with not only dust and smoke, but also hatred. Men must learn to develop a feeling of universal brotherhood. Men must learn that no man is stranger and no country is foreign.


In conclusion, “No Men Are Foreign” by James Kirkup is a powerful reminder of the common humanity that unites people across borders. The poem underscores the need for empathy, compassion, and solidarity in a world often divided by nationality and differences. Through its evocative verses, it calls for a more harmonious and interconnected world where no one is considered a stranger.

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The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary

“The Little Busy Bee” is a classic children’s poem written by Isaac Watts. This delightful and instructive poem introduces readers to the industrious world of a diligent bee, teaching valuable lessons about the virtues of hard work, thriftiness, and the importance of making the most of one’s time. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary

The Little Busy Bee Poem Summary in EnglishBusy Bee images
The bee is known for its work. Always it. works, so it is identified as a busy bee. It builds the hive very skillfully and stores sweet honey in it. The poet’s intention is, like the bee, we too must be busy and always do useful work.

How does the little busy bee work? It makes | good use of time. It starts work when the sun I rise i.e. in a shining hour. The worker bee starts j its work by collecting Honey from all the blooming flowers. All the bees collect nectar and carry it to the hive. The female worker bees are the only j bees that make nectar into honey.

The bees build their cell very skillfully, spread j their wax neatly and work hard to store honey in the cell. The poet speaks about himself and wants us to be like a busy bee in our work. We should! not be tempted to be idle or sit around doing | nothing. Satan in the poem refers to the devil, or some evil being who injures the idle person.

The poet wants to spend his boyhood day by reading good books, playing and doing some good and useful work. Every human being could be. busy like bee and do useful work. Bees build their hives skillfully. We too should do the work with our efficient skills.

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Beauty Poem Summary

Beauty Poem Summary

The poem “Beauty” is a lyrical exploration of the concept of beauty, delving into its multifaceted nature and the various ways it is perceived and appreciated by individuals. Through vivid imagery and introspective verses, the poem invites readers to contemplate the elusive essence of beauty and its impact on the human soul. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

Beauty Poem Summary

Beauty Poem Summary in English

The poetess describes beauty’ in this poem. She is trying to tell us that beauty is everything in life. Beauty can be seen in the sunlight, the trees, the birds, corn growing, people working, dancing and singing in their harvest, wherever we see, the beauty is there.

We can hear the beauty in the night that is sighing wind, falling raindrops, chanting melodious hymns and anything serious and sincere.

We can see the beauty in ourselves. That is good deeds, happy memorable thoughts childhood, repeated thoughts in our dreams, in our work and even in our rest. Beauty is God and God is beauty.


The poem “Beauty” is a lyrical exploration of the concept of beauty, delving into its multifaceted nature and the various ways it is perceived and appreciated by individuals. Through vivid imagery and introspective verses, the poem invites readers to contemplate the elusive essence of beauty and its impact on the human soul.

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Luther Burbank Summary

Luther Burbank Summary

Luther Burbank, a pioneering American horticulturist and botanist, made indelible contributions to the field of plant breeding and agriculture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His innovative work revolutionized the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and other plants, leaving a lasting impact on global agriculture. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

Luther Burbank Summary

Luther Burbank Summary in English

Luther Burbank images

What does the world call a man who turned the yellow flower into red, who made the seeds of plums disappear, desert cactus to grow a thousand times faster, made blackberry into white, who grew 500 different kinds of cherries on one tree? Was he a master gardener or a miracle-working magician.

Fie has been awarded many title, but he was so simple, hardworking scientist.

The products of his genius continue to play a part in the day-to-day lives of people throughout the world. His most important contribution is a lovely flower that never existed before him.

He was born on 7th March 1849. Fie was attracted towards the wonders of nature and learned the techniques of growing various crops. After reading Darwin’s book, he decided to devote his life to grow new varieties of plants.

He started market gardening at the age of 21. He was successful in selling high-quality vegetable. He planted 29 seeds from an early rose potato plant and produced superior quality up to today. This potato is called “Idaho Potato”, it is grown on thousands of acres in North-Western U.S.

He moved to the State of California at the age of 26, because his native place was not suitable for his work. He carried on his experimental and original work on plants for more than half a century on “Santa Rosa” near San Francisco. He described his new home as “The Chosen Spot” of all this earth as for as nature was concerned.

The three basic techniques of his experiments arc
1. collect different kinds of domestic plants and bring in many foreign varieties of plants, when they were grown under different conditions, they would prove strong, plentiful or hard, show other desirable changes.

2. He grew many varieties of fruits, flowers and vegetables by changing water, food, temperature, light or space variations were achieved by crossing plants, which had very dissimilar qualities.

3. He could recognize and select the plants which showed desirable changes. He could also choose them for further experiments.

Thus he was successful to produce a white blackberry and he called it the paradox. The pile of rejected seedlings measured 12 ft high, 14 ft wide,‘22 ft long and had contained 65,000 berry bushes. Among them he decided to keep for further study was less than 2 dozen.

He was able to grow 526 different types of apples on the same tree, ft was possible for him not only to save space but also to speed up his experiments. His experimented plants took only 2-3 years to yield fruits instead of 15 years.

He carried out more than 10,000 separate experiments with 600 different kinds of plants. He developed an improve cherry, a thornless blackberry, a cactus without thorns used as food for livestock and a peach tree that can withstand freezing weather. He delighted flower lovers with 73 new flowers, Shasta Daisy and a rose that bears his name.

Many of his efforts ended in failure. The crossing of tomato with potato was failed. But his devotion was so deep and strong that nothing could disappoint him. Miracles were happening in all the field like in steel mills, automobiles and markets of commerce and industry. Burbank’s discoveries are also as remarkable as the shiny cars, bridges, tunnels and singing wires.


In conclusion, Luther Burbank’s relentless dedication to improving crops and creating new plant varieties significantly enhanced agricultural practices worldwide. His work embodies the spirit of innovation and the potential for individuals to make lasting, positive changes in the field of agriculture through science and ingenuity.

The Emperor’s New Clothes Summary

The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a classic fable by Hans Christian Andersen, which tells the story of an emperor who falls victim to the vanity and deception of two cunning weavers. In this engaging tale, the weavers promise to create the finest garments, invisible to those who are unfit for their positions or simply incompetent. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

The Emperor’s New Clothes Summary

The Emperor’s New Clothes Summary in English

The Emperor's New Clothes images

Once upon a time, there lived a proud and foolish emperor who was very fond of wearing new clothes. He spent most of the time trying out new clothes. So he had very little time to attend the affairs of the kingdom.

One day the emperor was in an angry mood because he was not satisfied with the dresses which were brought by his Chief Adviser. He asked his Chief Adviser to banish all the worthless tailors of the country. He wanted new clothes and a tailor who can make him a different set of clothes every day. The chief adviser informed that two weavers were waiting to see the emperor and they were magic tailors also. He ordered to bring them. The two weavers came and explained their wonderful clothes. To prepare the wonderful dress, they need the finest silk, purest gold thread, and several jewels.

Emperor agreed to provide all they need. The weavers sew their magic dress which was not only beautiful to look, but also make the emperor to Judge his people. Because only wise, clever, and fit for their jobs will see and those who are foolish, unfit for their work will not see the dress. The emperor considered that he will be able to find out who is fit to manage the affairs of his kingdom and who is not.The weavers were provided with a large quantity of silk, the purest gold thread, and several jewels to decorate the dress.

Next day evening the chief Adviser came to see the weavers. Weavers were pretending to weave. They seem, to be working hard but he couldn’t seem, the clothes on the looms. The weavers described the color, pattern, design of the cloth. They exaggerated the beauty of the dress.The chief adviser positively responded to the weavers because if he said that he can’t see the clothes means he is a fool and not fit for his post. So he decided to send his Special Assistant to see what really happens.

Then the Special Assistant suspected the weavers. He was surprised that nothing was to be there on looms. The weavers as usual praised the clothes as they did to the Chief Adviser. The Special Assistant also thought of as the Chief Adviser. The weavers told that dress would be ready by the next morning. On the day of the procession, the emperor came with his Chief Adviser, the Special Assistant, and other courtiers to the Hall. The weavers took him to the dressing room. All the people outside heard the low voices of weavers and emperor. The Chief Adviser requested to the emperor that if he shows himself on the balcony before the procession, the people will feel happy. The emperor agreed to come.

After dressing the emperor walking through the hall towards the balcony. The courtiers show great surprise to see the emperor having little clothes. But no one says anything. When the emperor reaches balcony, cheers stop all of a sudden and there is pin-drop silence. Then the little child crying out with laughter, look, Daddy, the emperor has no clothes at all. Has the king become very poor? Doesn’t he have money to buy clothes”?


In the end, “The Emperor’s New Clothes” provides a timeless lesson about the perils of vanity and the danger of living in a world driven by appearances. Through the emperor’s humiliating revelation and the townspeople’s reluctance to admit the truth, the story serves as a reminder of the importance of honesty, humility, and the willingness to see beyond the facade to recognize the reality within.

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All The World Her Stage Summary

All The World Her Stage Summary

“All the World Her Stage” is a gripping novel that follows the extraordinary life of a young actress, vividly portraying the challenges and triumphs of her journey through the world of theater. With a backdrop of dramatic performances and personal struggles, the story unveils the indomitable spirit of the protagonist as she navigates the complexities of the stage and life itself. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

All The World Her Stage Summary

All The World Her Stage Summary in English

All The World Her Stage images
This lesson is a short life-sketch of Sai Paranjpye, a famous theater personality from Pune. When she was 6-7 years girl, skipping along with an elderly gentleman. That gentleman was her grand-father Sir R.P.Paranjpye. He was India’s first senior wrangler. She lost her parents at a young age. She was looked after by her grandfather. She grew up with her grandfather. She called him as Appa. Appa put simple mathematical questions and fables to her. The fables are fairy tales, Arabian Nights, and Birbal’s stories. She liked only stories, not mathematics.

One day Sai asked her Appa to tell a story but he asked her to tell a story. She agreed. She told a fairy tale with dragons, princesses, talking parrots, hidden gold, etc on her own. After hearing the story Appa asked where she had read it. She said that she had made up the story. He was very much impressed. From that day onwards it continued and it was the beginning of a wonderful world of creativity. At that time she was 8 years old. She had published her first book of fairy tales “Mulancha Mera”. Her love for books grew with her. She learned to respect books from her Appa.

Sai was too fat and her mates made fun of her and criticized that she is not fit for any games. Meanwhile, she thought of a plan and called her mates and told a story of magic is¬land full of hidden treasure. They were also ready to take roles and act as she directed.

She was fascinated by dolls wedding, It is a traditional game in Maharashtra. One day Sai’s mother arranged a doll’s wedding. Sai became the bride’s “mother”. The ‘mother ’ that day, so fond of drama, grew up to become filmmaker and theater personality.


In the culmination of “All the World Her Stage,” the protagonist’s relentless pursuit of her passion and her unwavering dedication to her craft illustrate the enduring power of determination and the transformative nature of the performing arts.

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The Swan and The Princes Lesson Summary

The Swan and The Princes Lesson Summary

“The Swan and The Princes” is a timeless fairy tale that imparts valuable lessons about the transformative power of love and the importance of inner beauty. Through the enchanting story of a swan and two princes, the narrative explores themes of compassion, kindness, and the true nature of nobility. Read More Class 8 English Summaries.

The Swan and The Princes Lesson Summary

The Swan and The Princes Lesson Summary in English

The Swan and The Princes images
Suddodhana was the king of Kapila Vastu, Siddhartha was his son and the prince of Kapilavastu. Dev Datt was Siddartha’s cousin. Once Siddhartha and Dev Datt were playing in the garden. Dev Datt shot a swan and it fell on ground. Siddhartha saw this and washed its wound, applied medicine and saved its life.

After that the two boys quarreled over whom the swam belongs to each one claimed the swan’s ownership. Dev Datt claimed that the swan belonged to him as he had shot it down. But Siddhartha claimed that the swan belonged to him as he had saved its life. They could not decide the ownership of the swan.

So Dev Datt came to Suddodhana’s court to get justice and explained the matter. The King called Siddhartha and asked about the matter. Dev Datta claimed the swan because he shot it and Siddhartha argued that the swan belongs to him because he protected and saved its life. Both were correct. How to give judgment, so the king asked the help of his Chief Minister. The Chief Minister thought a plan and said to both the boys. The swan will decide the case.

First, they put the swan on the stool and Dev Datt was asked to call the Swan. He did it, but the swan trembled and cried with fear. Next Siddhartha went near the swan and consoled it and said it need not fear, then the swan flew up and sat on his arms. The Chief Minister said to King that swan had decided the case. All accepted the judgment that the swan belonged to prince Siddharta.


In conclusion, “The Swan and The Princes” beautifully conveys the message that true beauty lies within, and love has the power to transform even the most unlikely of individuals. Through the swan’s journey and the transformation of the princes, readers are reminded that kindness, compassion, and genuine love are the qualities that make one truly noble, transcending outward appearances and prejudices.

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